Wednesday 14 January 2015

My Ultimate Style Icon...

Anybody else love Lauren Conrad?

Friday 2 January 2015

2015 Resolutions

I am publishing my resolutions publicly this year (I am hoping this will make me more accountable and therefore will be forced to keep up with them). I usually try to have a variety of different resolutions-- a mix of job related/academic/personal-- so here goes!

1. Read one novel a month
2. Save more, spend less!
3. By the years end have a job related to the field I want to work in
4. Get down to a size 4 dress
5. Do something new each month
6. Explore more of Toronto (and attend Pride this year!)
7. Start planning for 2016 trip to South America
8. Post on my blog once a week
9. Catch up on the news every morning
10. Complete my Digital Marketing Management certificate