Monday, 30 March 2015

Five Reasons I Cannot Wait For Spring

While it may be thawing and warm in other places, Toronto is still near freezing. The above 0 temperatures today had me dreaming of one of my favourite seasons: Spring; and even better the fashion that comes along with it. Below are a list of the fashions that I cannot wait to start wearing (presented in polyvore style because I just cannot get enough of that site):

1. Converse- I will wear these shoes with virtually any outfit for a casual look. They pair well with jeans, shorts, skirts, and even in some cases a casual dress; I live in these shoes once the warm weather starts and I cannot wait to bust them out.

2. Army Jacket- I was absolutely obsessed with the army green trend last year and I cannot wait to start wearing this Spring jacket again.

3. Sunglasses- I am not one to buy expensive sunglasses, because mine always seem to get damaged or lost.  I usually just buy a bunch of cheap sunglasses at the beginning of each season and wait for my collection dwindles. Once the sun starts shining on a regular basis my shopping spree is going to begin!

4. Cropped denim- this one is pretty obvious. You can't wear cropped denim when the snow on the ground is up to your knees, but once it all melts away these short jeans can come back out.

5. Coloured denim- I love the return of pastel and bright colours once Spring starts. I have always loved the colourful denim trend as it adds a touch of fun to each outfit (especially since I tend to buy a mixture of black, white, and grey shirts).

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